A plethora of both opiniated and experiential commentary based on politics, social engineering and technology.
I am running Vista Ultimate and Business versions. I tried this on both with same results. It may affect other Office 2007 apps, I haven't gone through every dialog to see.

The problem - If I use any skin, even made for Vista skin, the Rules and Alerts dialog is not usable. It is just a gray box that will only show the header of a single column when I mouse over. I have to completely exclude Outlook 2007 or unload WB 5.5 for it to be visible. If I exclude, of course, Outlook looks terrible because it is using whatever color scheme the skin has set with no effects. I am having a similar issue with Nero 7 and the pop-up menu list in Showtime (yes, I know, horrible app, but it is the only way I can play a DVD in the business version without spending more money). I assume it is related.

Any thoughts or suggestions? Known bug? TIA
on May 24, 2007
No solution, I'm afraid. Just confirmation that I am having the same problem exactly.

Edit: FWIW, I am using AlphaOmega, Vista sub-theme.
on May 25, 2007
Me too. I've tried several skins and the bug remains. The only extra I have is the Agendus plugin for Outlook. Video card is nVidia 7600GT. The other app that I've got problems with is ThumbsPlus 7. The caption bar is invisible for dialogs and - with some skins - for the main window. The close and resize buttons are there, but you have to guess where!

on May 29, 2007
Thanks for the confirmations. Hoipefully Stardock support sees this and can figure a fix. Right now, I can't use WB5.5 as I use the affected dialogs quite often.
on May 29, 2007
Can one or all of you contact stardock support at support@starock.com so we can be sure this gets in the queue and not lost in the forums?

Be sure to provide the system config from the WB application along with version and sub-version of Outlook.
on May 30, 2007
Just sent an email with requested info. Thanks!
on May 31, 2007
Hmm, my email server tried for 24 hours to deliver the requested email to support@stardock.com. It failed with no response from the recipient email server.
on May 31, 2007
We have been able to reproduce this in house & have resolved it in the internal WB builds.  So the next beta / release we put up should have this fixed.
on May 31, 2007
Way to go Neil   
on Jun 04, 2007
Very cool! Thank you very much
on Jun 20, 2007
Just wanted to feedback on this. I just installed the 5.51 release and the problem described above is fixed. Thank you very much!!