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How to be a professional liar
Published on July 15, 2005 By DadBart In Politics

I have been following the recent revelations regarding Karl Rove and Joseph Wilson. Particularly Wilson's press conferences to show his outrage and demand the firing of Rove.

I'll start with a a couple of previous quotes from Wilson. First he said in a CNN interview, â??My wife was not a clandestine officer the day that Bob Novak blew her identityâ?. This week he was quoted in a press conference as saying,  â??Mr. Rove was talking to the press. And he was saying things like my wife is fair game. That is an outrage. It is abuse of power.â?

I'll take the first quote and ask the question, if that is true, then what exactly was the crime? How was her life endangered in the field as alleged?

That leads directly to the more recent quote about abuse of power. Let's replay events here. Wilson conspired with his wife, using her CIA connections to get himself over to Africa and access information that would enable him to project an "independent" review of the nuclear materials allegations against Iraq. He had a pre-determined outcome in mind, much as the Bush admin had their's, when he went. He then returned and deceitfully tried to portray his trip as administration sanctioned and commissioned, but that they are denying it because they did not like his report. We find out later he actually did this on his own with secret help from his wife. Let's see. He used his Ambassador status and his wife's covet CIA position to carry out a politically motivated event and then initially lied to the American people about what really transpired. Seems abuse of popwer is a little more applicable than he is letting on this week.

Did that then make his wife fair game? She intentionally used her position for very in the open political purposes, outside the scope of operational assignment, and there is a belief she should be afforded safety and anonymity? She was no longer covert when she did this. How is she somehow shielded then? Of course, unless it is for the simple convenience of being able to lash out at someone like Rove. The first question of fair game is a philosophical one that will boil down to individual opinion. Certainly the Democrats who are backing this whole circus have done the same thing on many occassions.

Was her life put in jeopardy by all of this? Not likely since she was no longer in the field. Even if it was put in jeopardy, you are left wondering who would really be to blame. Rove ar some other as yet unknown Admin official, or Wilson and his wife for concocting the whole scheme that created this mess in the first place?

on Jul 15, 2005
I'll take the first quote and ask the question, if that is true, then what exactly was the crime? How was her life endangered in the field as alleged?

There was no crime committed here. The only crime is the obvious bias the media is showing towards Rove.
on Jul 15, 2005

The only crime is the obvious bias the media is showing towards Rove.

They are trying to use the law to do something they and their lap dogs in the democrat party cannot do.  Silence Rove.

on Jul 15, 2005
They are trying to use the law to do something they and their lap dogs in the democrat party cannot do. Silence Rove.

Exactly. The democrat party still has no ideas or solutions, just hate.
on Jul 15, 2005
Wilson going anonymously to the press, undermining the President with misinformation and misrepresentations (i.e. lies) of the intelligence he gathered working as a CIA agent is at least as abusive as saying "His wife got him the job."
on Jul 15, 2005
The hyenas are in heat and they have no idea how pathetic they appear with all their indignant condemnation and public demands for Rove's head on a platter. With each unfounded and un-called for condemnation, they take yet another step away from reality and from ordinary citizens who, strangely enough, tend to actually believe in all this innocent until proven guilty stuff.

on Jul 15, 2005
Like I said before.

They argue terrorists are innocent, and deserve a fair chance.

They have already convicted Rove, without a trial.
on Jul 15, 2005
What is most sickening about this situation is Wilson was willing to cover up what he learned about Hussein's attempt to obtain "yellowcake" uranium from Niger in order to embarrass Prs. Bush. What kind of twisted hatred does it take for a former embasadore to turn a blind eye from Hussein's attempt to gain this kind of weaponry, merely to affect a U.S. election?

The other questions I have are, if Valerie Plame's life were put so much in danger when her name was leaked, how is she in any less danger today? If she was a covert agent, isn't she putting the lives of every agent with whom she has worked in danger by irresponsibly taking part in a cover story in a magazine?

If Valerie Plame is an example of the CIA it is becoming more and more evident why there has been such rampant incompetence in our intel community.
on Jul 18, 2005

If Valerie Plame is an example of the CIA it is becoming more and more evident why there has been such rampant incompetence in our intel community.

And a little Nepotism?  You should see how du.org is spinning this!  They are accusing the MSM of covering up for the administration! 

on Jul 18, 2005
You should see how du.org is spinning this! They are accusing the MSM of covering up for the administration

That is funny. This whole "scandal" once again proves how biased the media is against this administration.