A plethora of both opiniated and experiential commentary based on politics, social engineering and technology.
Blog Navigator abandoned?
Published on September 15, 2005 By DadBart In Community
I posted questions to the Blog Navigator forum and then saw it has been months since anyone has responded to questions there. I then saw other postings where people said they emailed support at Stardock about the BN issues and never got a response - of any kind.

I figured I would try and see. Sure enough no reply for 2 weeks to a post to the newsgroup. An email sent to support 2 weeks ago never replied to, except the auto responder saying I would hear within a couple of days.

One can only assume that people like me who paid for the product have been abandoned with no notice. If that is the case, it is very, very bad business. Right now I feel very reluctant to sink anymore money in to Stardock if I might be ignored and abandoned for things I bought (I have quite a few things registered - and renew every year).

So my question is, is this what we can expect going forward?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 15, 2005
Another alternative would be to visit the stardock IRC channel, where the developer for this particular product hangs out about 80% of the time.

Thanks for the suggestion. As is the case with a great many users (both newbies and old timers-Internet since 1979-like myself) I don't use IRC anymore. It has become the playground for mostly another generation and type of user. Since tones do not convey themselves in a written response, I am saying that with complete sincerity and a smile.
on Sep 15, 2005

To be fair, others may have apparently no response via the mewsgroup since June...yes, a long time....but again my reference to reasonable time pertains to your specific reference to '9 days ago'.

My 'relationship to Stardock' is specifically as Admin here on Wincustomize.com....and that entails being 'the voice of reason'.....and tend to pick up 'agitated threads' on my radar.  

As is suggested...try #stardock as well [IRC].  You will quite probably get some more assistance there....

on Sep 15, 2005
Sorry not to get back sooner but I've been checking a few things. I thought at first it may be related to all the site construction thats been going on the last few months but that doesn't seem to check out. I think you might want to take Cerebro JD's advice and check the IRC channel. The developer's are able to address the problems best when they have as much info as possible. A link to one of the specific posts your unable to access thru BN, as well as some info about your system and what other software you are running in the possibility that it might interfere/conflict with BN.
Sorry I can't help more....with several thousand users here, someone else may see the thread who can.
on Sep 15, 2005
My 'relationship to Stardock' is specifically as Admin here on Wincustomize.com....and that entails being 'the voice of reason'.....and tend to pick up 'agitated threads' on my radar.

As any good admin should. Thanks for clarifying that.
on Sep 15, 2005

Oh...and #stardock is policed quite stringently...being predominantly a business/work channel....we suffer fools poorly.

In other words...it's safe to go there...

on Sep 15, 2005
Sorry I can't help more....with several thousand users here, someone else may see the thread who can.

You have helped plenty. Thank you very much. It may turn out to be some change at Joeuser - again - and it may turn out to be as simple as a config file getting corrupted. Or it could be a bug introduced in the last version. I won't mess with anything without knowing what I am doing so I don't further cloud the problem.

I would prefer the standard web-email support method as stated at Stardock for support. I don't do IRC and don't allow it installed on any home computers or work computers (I oversee IT among other things). It is not the same animal as when I used it in eons past The risks far outweigh the benefits, I have children at home who can get to wrong place pretty quickly and I have workers at the office who could pass for some of my children. It is blocked at the firewall and as a hash restriction, so no small undertaking just to track someone down outside the standard procedures as set by Stardock.

If anyone there can help pry loose some support via the methods most expect to be in, that would be greatly appreciated.
on Sep 15, 2005
Just so it is not all about an angry guy on the other end. I want to compliment and thank both Admin JafLo and Developer Lantec for trying to get somewhere with this. Especially Lantec who completely sidestepped my agitated rants and directly addressed the issue at hand. That completely re-directed my frustration and got me to concentrate on solving the problem. Very professional and good customer service. Thanks.
on Sep 15, 2005
The risks far outweigh the benefits, I have children at home who can get to wrong place pretty quickly and I have workers at the office who could pass for some of my children
Couldn't agree more. My son doesn't understand why all his friends are on chat but I won't let him do it. Frankly I won't let him online without an adult in the room period. I don't allow it on the systems at work either.
on Sep 15, 2005
him online without an adult in the room period

Heh. I miss those days. They are all teens now (4 of them) and view my watching as intolerable cruelty. I use "other" means now to monitor and control their PC and Internet use. They do clearly understand that a transgression usually results in instant loss of Internet and ability to log on to the computer. My final days as emperor of the house, so sad
on Sep 16, 2005
I'm really sorry for the said situation to happen. I'm personally responsible for it. Over the past month I've been buried under SkinStudio development work.

We'll be taking care of Blog Navigator over the coming days, and will try to answer and fix the problems our users reported to the newsgroup.

I've looked into your issue and it looks like it's a server-side problem with JoeUser as I can post articles to my other test blogs and read them just fine. The problem seems to be related to the JoeUser XML-RPC api and I'll be working with the JoeUser developer to resolve the problem.

Thank you for your patience. Should you have any more issues with Blog Navigator / SkinStudio or IconDeveloper, do not hesitate to mail me directly at adam AT stardock.com.
on Sep 16, 2005

The problem seems to be related to the JoeUser XML-RPC api and I'll be working with the JoeUser developer to resolve the problem.

Yep, thats me!  Ok, I have updated the API's and editing should be working again.

on Sep 16, 2005
I think everyone should read this thread as a fine example of Stardock/WC customer support in action.
on Sep 16, 2005
I think everyone should read this thread as a fine example of Stardock/WC customer support in action.

Also how it can be done without bloodshed
on Sep 19, 2005
Yep, thats me! Ok, I have updated the API's and editing should be working again.

Yes, that was it. Works fine now. Thanks Adam and Janitor T-Man.
on Sep 19, 2005
I think everyone should read this thread as a fine example of Stardock/WC customer support in action

I agree. All the Stardock folks handled my initial frustration quite well. The developer responded well and left me feeling well supported. And the problem is fixed to boot!

It should be a good long while before I could justify getting that frustrated again, thanks everyone. This is why I have bought so many Stardock products and renewals over the years, nice to have that reinforced at a moment of doubt.
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