A plethora of both opiniated and experiential commentary based on politics, social engineering and technology.
Published on December 14, 2004 By DadBart In Welcome
Well, here is my first attempt at a blog. Seems like a good chance to express my opinionated side.

I am currently a Director of Security, IT and Provisioning at a regional Telecom. My background involves Cable industry, Law Enforcement, "Big Oil", High Level Conflict Management and Social Engineering. In the late 80s, early 90s I was a media hound. I have been on the Today show and numerous news programs. I have been around.

With that as my background, I expect to be wide-ranging in my blogs. I have something to say or pass on about almost everything. I hope to generate discussion and thought. Some popular, some not so popular. I also hope to express my Technology side and experience to further move us as a species in to the future.

Welcome and thanks for visiting my Blog.

on Dec 14, 2004
Welcome to JU Dan! Hope to see you around my blog as well...
on Dec 14, 2004
Welcome to JoeUser, happy blogging