The Declaration of Independence and book burning
I am a child of the late 60s. I cut my teeth on the new liberalism and call for equalities. A lot has changed since those days. In fact, the liberals of today are starting to resemble the conservatives of my day.
I refer to the California school that has banned teaching of the Declaration of Independence because it contains the word "God". Now wait a minute. I remember in the 60s that one of our biggest gripes was the right trying to re-write and squash history to fit their vision of what really is. We had stories like 1984 and Animal Farm to reflect the growing concern over this mentality. We insisted that history remain as it really is and that everyone have access to it. We made comparisons to the Nazi book burnings of the early 20th Century.
Now I watch as the group of people who grew out of that movement do precisely the same things we fought against. This has nothing to do with equality, freedom of religion or protecting anyone's rights. This is pure and simple book burning, re-writing history to suit someone's vision of what people should believe. This is forced thought on the masses and I am still vehemently opposed to someone else dictating their belief system on me. The Declaration of Indenpendence and other similar historical facts are what they are. Re-writing history to suit someone's distorted version of equality and political correctness does not change what really happened.
My political beliefs have changed a lot over the decades since the 60s. But not so much that I now condone changing history to fit a small group of people who want to dictate what I can know or believe. I officially disavow myself from anything labeled liberal as long as the new age of Liberalism is the epitomy of old age Conservatism.
Get out of my library, leave history alone and stop trying to control my thoughts through book burning.