As I watch and read about the worsening aftermath from Hurricane Katrina, I can't help but be emotionally overwhelmed by many of the newest images.
I watched a man break down as he told about how he held on to his wife's hand trying to save her and her last words telling him to take care of the kids. He lost her and his house that he worked a lifetime to have. I watched a couple express how luckey they were. They lost all possessions, but still had each other. I watced an 8 year old child talk about how they will be ok, "everyone will do their best".
In the very next images I saw groups of people, armed, looting local stores. I don't mean the people taking food and water, that I can understand. I am talking about the people who sre stealing TVs and 35 pairs of name brand sneakers. They are threatening people who are legitimately trying to survive. They are threatening and trying to kill the people sent in to save them ( a New Orleans cop was shot in the head by a looter). Prisoners taking over a jail and taking the guards hostage as they were working towards the same prisoners' rescue. It honestly sounds and looks like scenes right out of dozens of post-apocolyptic movies I've watched over the years.
I have looked long and hard at these supreme examples of what we can be and the disparaging and frightening examples of the worst human kind has to offer. I've asked myself which group would I fall in to. I know the answer for myself. I would have to sacrifice my life first before I could allow myself to become a mindless, self serving, greedy piece of slime at a time when people need to help each other the most.
The scum of the Earth who are doing these self-serving things only demonstrate that helping those who have less is not just about education and a helping hand. It is also about lazy, greedy people who believe the world owes them something "just because" and will go to any length to get it. With all the attention paid to the corporate or political types who fall in this category, perhaps we would make more headyway in reversing the selfish side of humanity by looking to our own neighborhoods and families. This seedy side starts at home, not in a corporate or political office.
As far as what is happening now, declare Martial Law down there. Send in the troops. Get the good suffering people out, shoot anyone who tries to interfere with that rescue and leave the rest to drown in their own pools of self-pity and greed (that includes the cop who was taped looting a 27" TV).