I have watched the drama shows unfold in New Orleans over the past 2 weeks and waited for an event like today.
If you recall, early last week Mayor Nagin began to discuss his grandiose plan for quickly getting everyone back to the city, even before the flood waters were half gone, let alone clean up started. The Federal government, mainly through Adm. Alan, stepped in and advised against this. Nagin then publicly railed against the Feds and referred to Alan as, "the Federally appointed mayor of New Orleans" for trying to have a say in how the emergency is handled. You know the same people Nagin railed against in the beginning for not taking control earlier when Nagin failed to do anything to safegaurd the citizens the first time?
Now what happens. The levee in the 9th ward is overflowing and re-flooding portions of New Orleans. Nagin was, again, negligent and incompetent to the point of putting lives at risk. If the council in New Orleans truly cares about the life and property of its citizens they should act without delay to impeach Nagin before he can cost any more lives through his actions as Mayor. After that I would seriously urge the LA. Atty. Gen. to consider whether charges of Negligent Homicide against him are feasible as he has now twice demonstrated a complete disregard for life for the purpose of political gain.
So what do you think? Impeachment? Charges? Bush's fault somehow anyway for putting Adm. Alan down there knowing he might speak up against an innocent, victimized democrat? FEMA's fault for not providing enough MREs to Nagin causing him to suffer the ill mental affects of nutitional deprivation? Our fault for not following the lead of Howard Dean and Ted Kenndy and protesting at the White House against Bush which would have prevented Katrina and Rita from forming and putting Nagin in this Rupublican created quagmire in the first place?