A plethora of both opiniated and experiential commentary based on politics, social engineering and technology.
DadBart's Articles In Current Events
August 31, 2005 by DadBart
As I watch and read about the worsening aftermath from Hurricane Katrina, I can't help but be emotionally overwhelmed by many of the newest images. I watched a man break down as he told about how he held on to his wife's hand trying to save her and her last words telling him to take care of the kids. He lost her and his house that he worked a lifetime to have. I watched a couple express how luckey they were. They lost all possessions, but still had each other. I watced an 8 year old chil...
September 3, 2005 by DadBart
In the coming months and years there will be numerous investigations and "bipartisan" studies on who failed and who we can point a finger. A lot of that will be accurate, starting with Mayor Nagin, who was the first miserable failure in this. However, I wonder how many of those investigations and studies will take a hard look at the primary blame behind the aftermath violence? I suspect we will see very little mention of street gangs. While much of the looting and some of the violence were ju...
December 13, 2005 by DadBart
That was the final statement of 3 witnesses at Stanley Williams' execution. I will admit I have mixed feelings about the death penalty as it currently is. That being said I have to take exception with that statement. It has been the rallying cry for thousands who were sucked in to the charisma and "gift of gab" that allowed this person to create one of the most vicious and violent gangs in history. I can't say if he was guilty or not of the specific crime this judgement was for. I h...
September 23, 2005 by DadBart
I have watched the drama shows unfold in New Orleans over the past 2 weeks and waited for an event like today. If you recall, early last week Mayor Nagin began to discuss his grandiose plan for quickly getting everyone back to the city, even before the flood waters were half gone, let alone clean up started. The Federal government, mainly through Adm. Alan, stepped in and advised against this. Nagin then publicly railed against the Feds and referred to Alan as, "the Federally appointed m...